All posts by surjeetmum

Magic of Running Stitch

Magic of Running Stitch

A pair of samples
w17cm x h17cm each
Inspiration: The changes in colour as stitches are worked around the sides of a square
Techniques: Kantha. Kantha with sheesha.
Silk ground with silk and cotton thread. Mirrors.

Play on Squares

Play on Squares

w28cm x h34.5cm
Inspiration: Joss Graham display of Indian textiles at the Knitting and Stitching Show
Techniques: Kantha
Cotton ground, silk and cotton threads, small pieces of net

Mapping the Mind

Mapping the Mind

w 27cm x h29cm
Inspiration: The universe represented through symbols of the earth, sky, sun and life forms
Techniques: Kantha
Layers of fine cotton with cotton thread



Wall hanging exhibited with the New Embroidery Group
w17cm x h18cm
Inspiration: A design created by stitching from the centre outwards
Techniques: Kantha with one mirror
Raw silk ground with woollen threads and one mirror

Cosmic Whirls

Cosmic Whirls

w27cm x 27cms
Inspiration: A formal design using soft colours, deliberately leaving empty spaces
Techniques: Kantha with sheesha
Cotton ground with cotton thread and mirrors



w19cm x h19cms
Inspiration: A formal design combining the bright colours of Rajasthan
Techniques: Kantha with sheesha
Cotton ground with woollen thread and mirrors

Hot Earth

Hot Earth

Mounted sample
w37cm x h36cm
Inspiration: Exploration into stitching handmade felt
Techniques: Felt making, kantha
Handmade felt cotton threads

My Portrait

My Portrait

Framed panel exhibited with Kingston Branch of the Embroiderers' Guild
w32cm x h26cm
Inspiration: Self portrait reflected in the mirror in the centre of the panel
Techniques: Highlights of gold thread with sheesha
Silk ground. Gold and cotton threads.

Colour Sensation

Colour Sensation

Wall hanging exhibited with the New Embroidery Group
w50cm x h200cm
Inspiration: Surajkund Mela - a craft fair in Delhi
Techniques: Applique with free stitching and sheesha
Calico ground with layers of dyed muslin and organza

Nest of Boxes

Nest of Boxes

3D contructions
Large, 24cm diameter. Small, 21 cm diameter.
Inspiration: Exploration of the colour wheel and decorating boxes
Techniques: Construction of boxes. Sheesha with chain stitch.
Card. Plain and dyed fabric with cotton thread and mirrors.