Celebrating the life and work of the British-Indian textile artist, Surjeet Husain

Surjeet came to England in 1960. For over 50 years she has produced a prolific amount of artistic work with a special focus on textiles and embroidery that reflects her dual heritage.

Surjeet Husain

Surjeet was employed as a textile tutor for many years, mainly in south west London. She has also worked as an independent artist and had a number of solo shows and entries in numerous exhibitions.

Her extensive collection of Indian embroidered textiles, her specialist knowledge of Indian textile techniques and active engagement in textiles both as a teacher and artist have gained her considerable respect from her peers and also from a younger generation of artists.

Surjeet Husain

Surjeet has also published three workbooks* on techniques in Indian embroidery that have proved very popular and made an important contribution, alongside her regular teaching, in making these techniques far more widely known and used in the UK.

Now in her late 70s and still active there is an opportunity to highlight Surjeet’s life and work with the active participation of the artist.

* Currently all three workbooks are out of print. No date has been set for the books to be republished. An announcement will be made on this website if the books become available again.